EP1, (English Presentation 1st year): EP1 thus far this year as presented power point presentations related to their school curriculum, facilities, events, and course of studies. They also made power point presentations on their research of Japan World Heritage sites. EP1 focuses on the physical message such as posture, eye contact, gestures, and voice inflections. By the end of the school year they’re able to present the physical message much more confidently.
EP2, (English Presentation 2nd year): As for EP2, they’ve focused on techniques that assist them in making presentations with more impact. Their first presentation was an option presentation in which SLEEP, (Smoothness, Loudness, Expression, Eye contact, and Posture), was introduced and practiced in ordered to make a much more successful presentation. This particular technique reminds the students the importance of strengthening their physical message.
Their second presentation was a proposal presentation in which SDU, (Special, Different, and Unique), was introduced and applied to their presentation topic. The students observe a DVD example in which shows an improper example and then they discuss in English the improper points and solutions to them. After that, they observe a proper example to see if their solutions correlate. EP2, focuses on three aspects of the presentation, the physical message, the visual message, and the story message which insures a strong presentation.
EP3, (English Presentation 3rd year): EP3, has presented poster presentations in which they researched a famous person who has contributed to their perspective societies and also to the global society. There was particular focus on Q & A related to their person of topic. The Q & A is a key point for EP3 because the students will present their graduation thesis in English and it will be followed by a Q & A session. It is our objective that by their 3rd year they are highly capable of giving a strong and confident presentation followed by an informative Q & A session in English.