SGH/WWL Super Global High School
World Wide Learning



育成を図る人物像Students Representation


  • ①論理的思考力
  • ②ICT活用能力
  • ③コミュニケーション力・コラボレーション力
  • ④行動力・発信力
  • ⑤課題発見力・課題解決力
  • ①アイデンティティを確立する意志
  • ②多様性を認め共感する意志
  • ③批判・摩擦・失敗を恐れない意志
  • ④変化に対応する意志
  • ⑤リーダーシップを発揮する意志

Human resources who have a drive for innovation with entrepreneurships and global citizenship.

【The skills we cultivate】
  • The ability to think logically.
  • ICT skills.
  • Communication and Collaboration skills.
  • The ability to think critically and take action.
  • Problem-finding and solving capacity.
【Mindset we cultivate】
  • The will to establish one’s own identity.
  • The will to accept diversity and sympathize.
  • The will not to be afraid of being criticized or failing.
  • The will to adapt to change.
  • The will to take leadership.

取組の概要Brief Overview


We aim to cultivate human resources who are able to innovate or create something in this VUCA(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) era through experiences related to the SGH project. By studying SDGs and global issues, our students particularly focus on “diversity and consistence”, “contribution to society” and “delivery and development toward overseas” to practice their projects.
Moreover, we are planning not only to have them learn how to conduct research, but also to develop skills of art thinking and design thinking.


  • 01 探究活動に関わる科目(学校設定科目・総合的な探究の時間)
    Subjects related to exploratory
    In Meijo’s unique subjects of “Global”, and “Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study”, there are “Project- Based LearningⅠ・Ⅱ”, “International Liberal ArtsⅠ・Ⅱ”. In “Project- Based LearningⅠ”class, students learn social issues and gain fundamental knowledge of research . In “Project-Based LearningⅡ” class, they start their research independently or in a group. Through these subjects, they choose their research topics for themselves and propose solutions to the issues they may face.
  • 02 英語学習
    English Language Learning
    Students improve their communicative skills by making presentations and conducting discussions through various classes conducted by Japanese English teachers and native speakers of English. One such class is known as “English Presentations” which is a part of the International class curriculum.
    1年生 2年生 3年生
    英検 2級全員合格 準1級合格 準1級合格
    TOEIC L&R 550- 720- 785-
    TOEIC S&W 280 310
    GTEC CBT (850) 1100 1190
    CFER B1 B2
  • 03 サロン(グローバル)
    Salons (Global)
    It is open to all students and parents on a noncompulsory participation basis. We provide opportunities to all participants to discuss and work together with diverse people: faculties, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
  • 04 高大連携講座
    Collaborative Lecture with University
    We open collaborative lectures with those who work globally and Meijo University. These lectures integrate the humanities and science, and develop students’ career ideas. Students will be able to think about their future career and develop an eagerness to get involved in social issues.
  • 05 海外フィールドワーク
    Overseas Fieldworks
    Students attend some overseas workshop relevant to global and social issues, and their research topic. They attend lectures, learn collaboratively with institutes and schools and perform the fieldwork abroad according to their research project.
    • New Zealand (1st grade)
    • Indonesia (2nd grade)
    • Taiwan or others
  • 06 研究発表会
    Presentation Events of Research Findings
    探究活動の成果発表を行います。「Meijo Global Festa」では生徒が実行委員となり、会の運営も実施します。校外の研究発表大会にも積極的に参加します。
    Meijo Global Festa…東海地方のSGH指定校や探究活動を進める他校と一堂に会して行うディスカッションと研究発表の大会。
    Students make presentations about their research. At Meijo Global Festa, students are mainly responsible for managing this event, also they participate in other events outside school.
    Meijo Global Festa…This presentation event which high schools have designated as SGH from the Tokai area interact with other high schools. They conduct discussions and make presentations related to current events and global issues.
  • 07 その他
    Meijo University Senior High School accepts foreign students and participates in collaborative lectures or fieldwork with corporations and international organizations. Our students also participate in outside events actively.